Location: 3 North Lane, East Preston, Littlehampton, West Sussex, BN16 1BN

Common Exhaust Problems to Look Out For

Your car’s exhaust system has a vital role to play in keeping your vehicle running safely and smoothly.

Some of the most common exhaust problems include:

  • Rusty parts
  • Loose parts
  • Catalytic converter blockages
  • Exhaust system wear and tear

You should have any exhaust problems identified and fixed right away, as your exhaust system helps to improve fuel consumption and dampen the sound levels of your engine when everything’s working well.

Signs of Exhaust Problems

Other signs that you could have an exhaust problem include:

  • Poor fuel efficiency
  • Burning smell coming from engine
  • Excessive exhaust fumes
  • Reduced power and acceleration
  • Loud engine noise

If you’ve noticed any of these issues or are generally worried about the condition of your exhaust system, be sure to book a repair as soon as possible.

Listen Out for Exhaust Problems

When it comes to exhaust problems, it pays to listen – more often than not a sound will let you know when you have an issue.

Some of the noises you may hear include:

  • Roaring
  • Hissing
  • Chugging
  • Rattling
  • Metallic vibration

These noises can signal a range of problems are present – everything from loose parts to an exhaust leak.

It can also help to perform a visual check, looking for any cracks or holes in the exhaust.

If the component has rusted through or is rusted from the inside – e.g. if a hole has formed – then the exhaust will likely need to be replaced.

We’re here to help if you’ve noticed any of these common exhaust problems with your vehicle. Book an appointment at our garage in Littlehampton to get to the cause of the issue and get back on the roads around West Sussex as soon as possible.